Why We Use WordPress
Do we really use WordPress?
Yes is the short answer. This page will explain why we choose to use WordPress for you’re Membership, Shop, Digital Downloads, Pay Per View, and All In One.
Why Do We Use WordPress?
[Show the statistics on wordpress]
In 2021, 62% of the top 100 fastest-growing companies in the US (Inc. 5000) use WordPress. WordPress powers 14.7% of the world’s top websites, including a plethora of governmental and academic platforms. 500+ sites are built each day using WordPress. WooCommerce powers 22% of the top 1 million ecommerce sites in the world. It’s been around since 2003, which means it’s older than Facebook and Twitter.
[Show the big named websites that use wordpress]
[Explain that using wordpress is like having multiple teams working on one specific thing, security, membership, ecommerce, site speed, ect. and we are the ones that put them all to use for them]
Is WordPress Secure?
[Explain how with years of experience from many groups of people keeping wordpress website secure we can use their information and tools to keep their website secure]
[Explain that keeping the website update is a very important to the sites security]
Is WordPress Reliable?
[Explain how one of WordPresses best feature]
[Explain that keeping the website update is a very important to the sites security]
Why Is It So Expensive?
[The Costs of the websites can very depending on if you pick one of our templates or if it is custom designed]
[The costs of a website can very depending on what plugins are used for it]
[The cost of a website can very depending on the time it takes me to make it and get it setup]
[The cost of a website can very depending on the hosting you use, because of everything above]
Why Is It So Expensive?
[The Costs of the websites can very depending on if you pick one of our templates or if it is custom designed]
[The costs of a website can very depending on what plugins are used for it]
[The cost of a website can very depending on the time it takes me to make it and get it setup]
[The cost of a website can very depending on the hosting you use, because of everything above]
What Expenses Come With It?
[When using wordpress the expenses that tend to come with it are mainly to continue to receive updates and support from the plugin/theme developers]
[They tend to be a yearly charge, there are some that come at a monthly fee we will inform you of before going down that route]
[If you dont want to deal with maintaining or want to learn to fix it then you have an option to have us take care of your website for you]
At The End Of The Day
[Explain how at the end of the day that once they purchase the website it is there’s to do with at they please with no monthly fees to keep the website, and the only charges they will have that go with the website will be for the update and support that comes with the plugin/themes they use]
[Explain that we can teach them how to update it or we can maintain it by keeping it up to date, backed up, monitor its uptime, fix any bugs or glitches that may happen when it or the internet updates, and much more link them to the M&M page]